Meet Natina

Tell us a little bit about yourself.

I am a 49-year old divorced single Mom. I have a beautiful 12-year old daughter. She is my everything. My professional career had consisted of retail management. Before being diagnosed, I was in retail merchandising. Now that I unable to do that anymore my diagnosis has forced me to look at life differently. The possibilities are endless.

How did you first become aware of your diagnosis? 

Two months before my diagnosis I was working as a retail merchandiser. Unfortunately, I fractured my right ankle and was unable to work. Once I was healed, and able to go back to work. I had only been back to work for a week. When I noticed that I felt really tired and I had pains in my stomach and left side. That weekend the pain got worse and I began to have difficulty eating. I went to the emergency, where tests were done and blood was taken. Lots of questions were asked and a few hours later. The ER doctor bluntly uttered four words that would change my life forever. “We think it’s cancer.”

When and how did you seek information about sarcoma?

Initially, my family helped me become informed about the rare form of cancer I had been diagnosed with. It’s name is Follicular Dendritic Sarcoma, so rare that only 50 other people have been documented as having it. 

What treatments have you received?

I was hospitalized for eight rounds of Doxorubicin and Ifosfamide. I received two rounds of Gemzar and Taxotere as an outpatient. 

How do you cope with the stress of your cancer diagnosis?

I cope with the stress of my cancer diagnosis with prayer. I keep my energy up by being grateful. 

What makes you feel strong? 

I feel physically strong by eating healthy, taking natural supplements and exercising when I feel up to it. My faith makes me feel spiritually strong.

How has facing cancer given you a unique perspective on the current coronavirus pandemic?

Facing cancer head on has made me stronger. I feel like I can face anything. 

Are you concerned about your COVID-19 risk?

Initially, I was very scared when the coronavirus pandemic arose because of all the uncertainty. I am in a high risk group so, what do I do? I took and continue to take the necessary precautions and control what I can control.

How are you taking care of yourself at home? 

Fortunately, I am able to take care of myself. By doing such things as  preparing my own food, doing housework, doing grocery shopping as long as my energy is high.

What gives you hope during this time?

My faith gives me hope and assurance that everything will be ok.
