Patient Stories

Most Days, I Feel Like a Survivor. Today, I Felt Like a Cancer Patient.

Most Days, I Feel Like a Survivor. Today, I Felt Like a Cancer Patient.

The title of this post really is so accurate. Being a 2-time cancer survivor and an amputee is not always about empowering posts, challenging myself, smiles and running blades. Honestly, writing out that sentence doesn’t seem real. How can that actually be a description of my life? There are parts of this process that are still really hard. In fact, if you want my honest opinion, sometimes, they can kind of suck.

Two Years Post-Diagnosis: A Reflection

Two Years Post-Diagnosis: A Reflection

If I had to summarize, I think cancer has made me more human. I’m not a guru, or an influencer, or even really qualified on anything other than my own experience. This is not a place where I will reveal the secrets of “doing cancer well,” because I certainly don’t know what that looks like and don’t pretend I do. This blog is a place of reflection. Writing for you all has helped me process personally, and it’s helped me feel heard publically.